May 2016:
March 2014:

Monday, June 24, 2019

On not setting the Formula

For the last month or so I've been quite happy with FRED. ("Quite" happy is as good as it gets, for me;) It looks like they actually fixed a bunch of the little things I complain about here on the blog. I can't take credit for any of the improvement. But I'm likin' what I see.

Thanks, guys, in case you read this.

I'm writing because I thought of a simple way to temporarily remove a line from a FRED graph: In the Formula line of the Edit Line window, just erase the formula, leave that field blank, and Apply the change. Only one thing wrong with my plan: It doesn't work. You get a "The formula is not set" error.

I think you could omit that error from the list of possible errors in the code, and compensate for that by adding code to "skip" the line if the Formula field is blank.

No doubt this is more complicated than I imagine, as there must be more to skip than just drawing the line on the graph. But I'd find this change useful once in a while.

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